The Editor’s reviews of:
Books, Guides and things to read for inspiration and pleasure
Quick and Easy Author: Gina Steer
Got some fruits or vegetables? Turn them into something sticky, tasty and spreadable. Gina has ideas that certainly helps to save waste. Her quick and easy new jams, jellies, preserves and chutneys recipes make use of every fruit and vegetable that may be lurking around the kitchen. Turn your “unloved” fruits and vegetables into something delicious. The book is easy to read, colourful and the recipies are very simple.

Tapas: Meat, Fish, Vegetables & Desserts by Gina Steer*****
252 pages of very simple quick and easy recipes of “Spanish Tapas”. Learn about the origin of the spanish word “tapa” in a very simplistic way. If you really thought that you could never put together any savoury dishes or small portions of food that can be eaten either hot or cold; as a full meal or as a snack, then you have not tried any of Gina’s recipes. Gina makes cooking so easy – any person can cook something out of the new recipes and not get it wrong.
Comments: No fuss, easy to follow recipes. Totally “fool-proof” Highly recommended.
Cost: UK£8.99/US$14.99 from all good bookshops worldwide
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